Jun 28Liked by Katerina Nedelcu

Hi Katerina, I love how you are discussing the emotions we should have when we consume content. I totally agree with the emotions you are ascribing to reading 'clickbait' content.

I also agree with you on the value of creating some content for free as a way to help others. I will soon be launching a paid portion to my newsletter here, and I am generally going to follow the process of 'tell the why and sell the how'. The free issues will make the case for business concepts and why they are relevant, then the paid issues will dig into how to implement those concepts in your business.

I am enjoying you writing and your perspective, thank you!

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Hi Mack, thank you for sharing your insight! You've given a wonderful example of how education, or whatever business we have, sells when you do into how and when you share implementations.

We can disclose our payments and their reasons while acknowledging that both parties benefit.

Some in-depth post content will be paid for when the time comes, but most of my newsletter will remain free since my goal is to educate.

Being clear always works; being manipulative only provides instant gratification and some degree of success, but ultimately, people will discern if something is genuine or not.

My day-to-day job as a photographer is based on recommendations rather than single clients, and I have been working for more than 15 years. I don't need to promote myself too much, since the clients do this for me. People talk, and when something is good, they buy and value it. We just need to be clear and honest with ourselves and others. This is my long-term perspective. :)

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Jun 28Liked by Katerina Nedelcu

Yes! I am the same way as you are. Maybe its the introvert in me, but I hate self-promotion. I would much rather have satisfied clients promote me to others. Let your good work bring you more good work!

BTW do you have a link to some of your photography? I would love to see your work.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

"Let your good work bring you more good work!" This is nice! Thank you!

You can view my work here, which is not frequently updated due to my preference for writing over posting photos.:))


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I love this checklist, and the way you are bringing emotions into it!!

I agree, if an offering makes me feel pressurised, or the writer is whipping up fear of missing out (FOMO) in their readers, or creating a false scarcity etc.... I can literally feel my heart sink.

We've been bombarded with too many of these 'sales spiels' to buy into them or trust them. I am surprised that this strategy is still being promoted by the 'professionals' ~ and especially in the field of education.

The funny thing is that it also can flip around and prospective students try to coerce potential teachers. It's such a fundamentally destructive concept.

"What is to give light must endure burning" I love this quote 💗🙏

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Thank you for your comment Veronika💗; you also described my experience and I agree with what you've said about 'sales spiels', this still works, I am also amazed!

I had been contemplating the concept of free education/clickbait for some time, until I stumbled upon a post that triggered me, just as you described. My heart sank, and I felt sorry for everyone there who believed the information was educational but was actually about money. I penned a note today and followed it up with a post in less than an hour.

However, I plan to revisit this post and add more guidelines. I just needed to get it out there today :))! ps. I loved the ending quote the moment I read it!🙏 

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looking forward to your further thoughts...

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I love the way your writing burns! Keep it coming Katerina 🙏❤️

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Your warm thoughts always uplift me, Jamie! Thank you for being here! ❤️ PS: Your poetry and writings give me hope. 🙏

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Thanks! Your writing is pure real education. You touch topics on the edge. They burn me. As a man we don’t talk about this stuff amongst us. Thank you for being brave. We need you 🙏❤️

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Jamie, It brings me joy to read this comment. Thank you. We need each other!🙏❤️

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